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Habits and Mindsets Topics

Genius Matters: 30 Lessons That Liberate Genius #choose2matterGenius Matters: 30 Lessons That Liberate Genius #choose2matter
January 24th, 2017
Our students’ genius is waiting to be unleashed, and we have to be the ones who liberate it.

Writing Matters: Today More Than EverWriting Matters: Today More Than Ever
January 15th, 2016
Writing well isn’t a matter of having the right content or product. Writing is something you live. In the lingo of the field, it’s a process.

A Break to PonderA Break to Ponder
December 22nd, 2014
The life of a teacher requires a big investment in the well-being of others. As a teacher, my drive to and from school every day was filled with scenes from the

A Daily Dose of Classroom HabitudesA Daily Dose of Classroom Habitudes
January 30th, 2014
As I wrote last May, Classroom Habitudes, published in 2008, is more popular now than ever, with book studies popping up every week and entire districts and even states full of teachers reading the book.

Why You Should Care and Be Aware – Brand You!Why You Should Care and Be Aware – Brand You!
October 25th, 2013
Today I had the honor of making a presentation to the employees of Strategic America, one of the leading marketing agencies in Iowa. My audience was 100 top corporate branding experts. I discussed personal branding, and how it has changed in the social me

Living Our Story Means Embracing Our ImperfectionsLiving Our Story Means Embracing Our Imperfections
December 1st, 2012
Stories engage us on a cultural, societal and physical level. We respond to stories because we’re wired to. It’s how we teach our children, it’s how we learn and it’s how we articulate our needs and desires so other will comply.

Permission to Play, Please?Permission to Play, Please?
November 20th, 2011
When we treat play as seriously as it deserves, we feel the joy that’s in the creative spirit. It’s the things we play with and the people who help us play that make a difference in our lives.

Tucson Has the Classroom Habitudes – Tech Camp Presentation and ResourcesTucson Has the Classroom Habitudes – Tech Camp Presentation and Resources
June 15th, 2011
I was so honoured to be able to kickoff TechCamp Plug and Play 2011 this week with Tony Vincent in beautiful Tucson, Arizona!

Everything I learned in KindergartenEverything I learned in Kindergarten
June 9th, 2011
I taught kindergarten for one year of my career. It was an extraordinary year. It was an experience I wish every teacher and leader could have at least a small taste of.

A Linchpin HierarchyA Linchpin Hierarchy
February 26th, 2011
Seth Godin's linchpins of hierachy

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