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by: Angela Maiers

Everything I learned in Kindergarten

I taught kindergarten for one year of my career. It was an extraordinary year. It was an experience I wish every teacher and leader could have at least a small taste of.

There’s something about being around young children; beyond their energy, freshness, and laughter.

Children are wise without knowing it. Fearless learners and compassionate leaders; children live in a world where everything matters and everyone has value.

I loved seeing their faces light up when I told them how smart they were making me. They smiled with pride and appreciated the praise; but I am not sure they understood how true those words were.

I can honestly say, everything I needed to know about social media and life; I learned in kindergarten.

It was there, I learned to:

  • Notice beauty and wonder all around me
  • Never take a day, or even an hour for granted
  • Find evidence of life and growth in the most unlikely of places
  • Listen with a mind and heart wide open
  • Dream big and celebrate little
  • Capture the extraordinary in the ordinary and everyday things
  • Most Importantly … Love Unconditionally

The world is what we make of it, and children know that. To fully embrace the potential the web holds; we need to be more “child-like” in our approach.  The web depends people’s ability to move through it with respect and grace; to demonstrate community and social responsibility, and to fully experience it with love.

If you have not had the privilege of spending your day in the presence of such genius minds, I leave you with a “taste” of what young, talented, and passionate learners can achieve! (And I am not talking about the dance; I am talking about their extraordinary Habitudes!)