Change the World One Kind Word At a Time! — Shannon Denton Guest Post
June 26th, 2017
Our job is to either continue to nurture the seeds/people around us or to try to fix the damage that was done. We need to reflect on our actions and how we can make change.
Using Art to Teach the Classroom Habitudes
June 26th, 2017
The inspiration for the mural came from Angela Maiers’ book, Classroom Habitudes. We brainstormed ideas to use “We Matter” in our room and with our students.
Habitude: Imagination
June 26th, 2017
Our capacity to dream, hope, and plan for the future is influenced and impacted by the control and understanding of imagination’s remarkable power
Jumping into Genius Hour — Guest Post by Tony Klein
June 23rd, 2017
Genius Hour is, simply, the opportunity for students to spend twenty percent of their time on a topic that interests, excites, and challenges them.
The Immortality of Stories
June 23rd, 2017
Cherish every word, every story, every joke (even the bad ones) that our loved ones share with us throughout their lives. That is the power of story, the power of teaching, the power of loving what we do.
Choosing to Celebrate Life on the Anniversary of Death
June 20th, 2017
Today marks the fourth anniversary of my younger brother’s death — a tragic and inexplicable suicide of a young, vibrant, intelligent, charismatic and talented 35 year old. He was a gift in every sense of the word.
Forget Following Your Heart – Follow Your HeartBreak
June 10th, 2017
Finding your passion; surrendering to your heartbreak is really about finding what really moves you.
12 Most Important Ways to Let People Know They Matter
May 31st, 2017
Mattering a universal human need. Here are The 12 Important things to do now to ensure a “yes” every time you encounter or interact with someone significant or yet-to-be significant in your life.
The Sandbox Manifesto
May 31st, 2017
The Sandbox Manifesto is both a declaration and an invitation to keep the experience of the sandbox alive and to recognize and honor the wisdom we acquired through our experiences on the inside.
3 Reasons Why Mattering Is the Agenda, or Should Be!
February 20th, 2017
YOU MATTER! These two words can change lives and change our world, if we understand them and we leverage them in the right way.
Total Articles: 41