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keynotes on teamwork

Teamwork Keynote Speaker

What makes a good team member? To Angela Maiers, it’s not about doing; it’s about being. As a leader herself, Angela is also described as a revolutionary, an entrepreneur, a visionary and an advocate for change. Her 2011 TedxDesMoines talk entitled “You Matter” went viral, with over 200,000 views since it went live and still rising. Her philosophy about mattering, making people feel relevant and valued, and seizing opportunities continues to inspire people to become better leaders and team members themselves and she can teach you these very same principles herself in a dynamic, engaging way that will leave you transformed.

Transforming Organizations

With over 30 years of experience as an educator, Angela Maiers' work has led her to create real social change in the form of 170 social enterprises and 17 laws passed with the help of over a million children in 78,000 classrooms across 100 countries all over the world. As a founder of the global non-profit organization Choose2Matter, Angela has made it her personal mission to help individuals recognize their worth and identify what contributions they can make to facilitate innovative solutions to the many problems and issues currently plaguing us as a society.

Her straightforward and matter-of-fact approach to conveying her ideas has made Angela Maiers a sought-after speaker at conferences, schools, communities and organizations all over the globe. She has spoken for industry leaders and trailblazers in various fields, including Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, Microsoft, IBM, Cisco, NASA, the Mayo Clinic Health System, John Hopkins Medicine, Walmart, Society for Human Resource Management, and the Girl Scouts of the United States of America. Angela believes in kickstarting changes in behavior and perspective in the audiences she reaches in order to draw out and maximize each person’s full potential and help them create positive, visible change. As an internationally known speaker and author, she has received praise from business leaders, school administrators from all levels of education, and the military.

Speeches that Inspire Teamwork and Positive Change

Angela Maiers aims to empower and uplift with her keynotes while remaining realistic and keeping goals actionable. As a versatile and observant speaker, she is able to read the room and customize the delivery of her message in order to accommodate all demographics, audience size, and specific industry. Some of her most effective and inspiring leadership keynotes are:

  • “Liberating Genius: A Leader’s Guide to Genius Hour”
  • “Mattering is the Agenda”
  • “How Big is Your Brave?”
  • “You Are a Brand; Would You Pick Yourself?”
  • “Closing the Passion Gap”
  • “Getting Social media RIGHT”
  • “Literacy Re-Imagined”
  • “Creating MAGIC for Your Community and Your Customers”

Angela Maiers' credentials include a Bachelor of Science in Education with a minor in Neuroscience, earned from the University of Iowa. Her graduate and post-graduate work was completed at Drake University in Des Moines, which include two master’s degrees in Literacy and Ed Leadership. She has authored eight books including Liberating Genius, The Habitudes, and The Passion Drive Classroom. As one of the most influential voices and thought leaders on the web, she is also a regular contributor to the Huffington Post.

If you are interested in booking Angela Maiers to deliver a keynote speech to your organization, please call 844-385-8877 or visit the contact us page on our website.

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