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Keynote Speaker

Angela Maiers: Keynote Speaker

“You are a genius and the world needs your contribution.” “We were created for significance.” “Two Words: YOU MATTER.” Such insights come to us courtesy of Angela Maiers, a world-renowned keynote speaker, author, entrepreneur, and educator whose transformative messages have resonated with audiences across the globe.

In her speaking engagements, Angela never stops at an inspiring message; rather, her goal is to pass on transformative messages that ring true to all walks of life, and lead people to embrace their true agenda of mattering in the world.

Who is Angela Maiers? 

Titles that can sum up Angela Maiers’ purpose are leader, visionary, entrepreneur, disruptor, change maker. These are just some of the various roles that Angela has taken on, with unfailing passion, in her 31-year legacy of work in the education and enterprise sectors. She is a graduate with a BS in Education and a minor in Neuroscience. She also holds impressive double master’s degrees in Literacy and Educational Leadership.

Angela’s past and current clients include Google, NASA, the Girl Scouts, Society for Human Resource Management, Cisco, Facebook, LinkedIn, Walmart, Microsoft, IBM, the Mayo Clinic Health System, and Johns Hopkins Medicine. She has also authored 8 books, with Liberating Genius, The Habitudes, and The Passion Driven Classroom among the most prominent. She has also garnered a strong presence in the press and social media, having been featured in Forbes, USA Today, NPR, and The Huffington Post where she is a regular contributor.

You may know Angela Maiers best from her TEDxDesMoines talk, titled “You Matter.” This signature keynote speech went viral in 2011 and has since amassed more than 200,000 views on YouTube.

Mattering is the Agenda: Angela Maiers Shows the Way

Angela Maiers professes that her keynote speeches are inspiring, uplifting, empowering, and actionable in nature. She is an agile keynote speaker who can adjust her delivery according to the unique needs of each particular audience. Keynote speeches that will convey the “wow” factor when seen and heard in person are:

  • “Liberating Genius: A Leader’s Guide to Genius Hour”
  • “Mattering is the Agenda”
  • “How Big is Your Brave?”
  • “You Are a Brand; Would You Pick Yourself?”
  • “Closing the Passion Gap”
  • “Getting Social Media RIGHT”
  • “Literacy Re-Imagined”
  • “Creating MAGIC for Your Community and Your Customers”

These motivating topics strike a note with listeners from all walks of life, from the demographics of education to entrepreneurship. Audience members who have heard Angela Maiers speak laud her for her authentic, simple, and powerful messages.

Contact Angela Maiers as a Keynote Speaker for Your Transformative Engagement

Interested in booking Angela Maiers as a keynote speaker for your organization? Forward any questions to 844-385-8877 or send an email to our team. We will be happy to get to know your needs before we make the arrangement; after all, in Angela Maiers' own words, YOU MATTER.

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