Everyone Matters: 5 School Principals Who Walk the Walk
July 10th, 2017
Everyone needs to know they matter. Human beings need to know they are significant in the lives of others. They also need to be noticed, valued, and honored.
The Courage to Teach
July 2nd, 2017
The root of the word -courage- is the Latin word -cor,- meaning -heart.- The English word -core- comes from the same Latin root. So at its core, effective teaching is about developing courage.
Change the World One Kind Word At a Time! — Shannon Denton Guest Post
June 26th, 2017
Our job is to either continue to nurture the seeds/people around us or to try to fix the damage that was done. We need to reflect on our actions and how we can make change.
Using Art to Teach the Classroom Habitudes
June 26th, 2017
The inspiration for the mural came from Angela Maiers’ book, Classroom Habitudes. We brainstormed ideas to use “We Matter” in our room and with our students.
Guest Post: Dream Big – The Passion of Learning
June 26th, 2017
I know that to dream big is to follow in the direction I am being led. I have never looked back and now truly understand what passion and fire feels like as it burns inside of me.
Six Years Later, It’s Clearer Than Ever: We Need to Know We Matter
June 23rd, 2017
Six years later, it is more clear than ever to me: we don’t have an engagement problem, a bullying problem, a substance abuse problem, or a suicide issue. We have a mattering problem.
What Does It Mean to Be a Leader? Five-year Old Geniuses Respond
June 23rd, 2017
Inspired by her lesson, and hoping to help my students reflect on what it means to be a leader, we created a circle map, after partner brain-storming on qualities that we find in leaders.
Getting to the Heart of Collaboration
June 23rd, 2017
ollaboration requires unrelenting determination and commitment from those who now understand that the desired result can only be achieved together.
An Open Letter to Leaders
June 22nd, 2017
our efforts this day are not only about how and in what ways you will use social media, but how you as a leader, a powerful and emerging brand, will discover a new level of leadership and learning capacity.
Students Solving Heartbreak: Creating Community Around Kid-Safe Minecraft Videos
June 21st, 2017
Clean Minecraft Videos is a community with a guiding vision: Profanity Stops Here.
Total Articles: 26