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By Angela Maiers

What Does It Mean to Be a Leader? Five-year Old Geniuses Respond

What Does It Mean to Be a Leader? Five-year Old Geniuses Respond

Leadership is a topic about which a great deal has been written. But if you want a clear definition of what it means to be a leader, just ask a kindergartener!  I recently had the great privilege of spending two amazing days working with the collective genius of the students and teachers of Coppell Independent School District in Texas.  The lesson showcased in the following response by kindergarten teacher Torrin Garrison came from the students in her class.

Learners of all ages have important thoughts to share with the world!


“Last week I had the privilege to hear Angela Maiers speak to teachers at my elementary school (Cottonwood Creek), as well as parents in the community. I also had the opportunity to watch her incorporate a lesson using the habitudes with learners of all ages, including two from my kindergarten class.

Inspired by her lesson, and hoping to help my students reflect on what it means tobe a leader, we created a circle map, after partner brain-storming on qualities that we find in leaders. We had a class discussion, and much like Angela, I gave my learners freedom to speak up and tell me what it means to be a leader. We documented these in this Circle Map inserted at the top of this post.

I was thrilled to hear my learners mention words found in Classroom Habitudes. We hope hope to add to the list as well as brainstorm ways that we can demonstrate these habitudes in our classroom.”

By Torrin Garrison