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My collection of resources on #GeniusHour

Four years ago, we imagined a classroom where passion-driven work was the norm; one in which students were invited and expected to experiment with ideas, discover possibilities and make epic things happen. This dream is now a reality. When we create a time and space for our students to strive audaciously and connect and collaborate with others, their genius is liberated, and learning, lives, and worlds change.

Below is a host of resources to help you launch #geniushour in your classroom.

Liberating Genius in the Classroom is a free, day-by-day lesson plan for the first 20 days of implementing genius hour. Soon we will also offer a student “Genius Notebook” so students can record their reflections on the lessons and easily share them with each other and you.

To access the e-book:

  • We built our eBook in Microsoft OneNote, which offers a rich, highly interactive and easy to edit inexperience, so you can make this e-book your own! It is free easy to access and works seamlessly across all platforms.
  • You’ll need a Microsoft account to access Liberating Genius anywhere, from any device. If you don’t have one, sign up for a free account here.
  • Then click here to download your Liberating Genius Notebook into your account.
  • Once downloaded, access Liberating Genius through your browser via OneNote online, or by downloading the free OneNote app. The app provides a much more robust experience.
  • LIKE us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter to hear about of available updates.