By Angela Maiers
“Let’s change the world!!”
What do you think when you hear those words?
More importantly, what do your students think?
For most, “Let’s change the world” is a mere slogan, or a battle cry that gets the heart racing and blood flowing. It is rarely followed by sustained action, and is almost never the first step on a path to becoming an involved and informed citizen.
It certainly is not something that we go to school to do.
Why is school not a place for invention, innovation and world-changing? Why is school not an apprenticeship to citizenship?
Why are the stories of our greatest minds always stories of rebels, renegades, and outlaws who scorned formal education? Why do so many famous quotes urge us not to let school “get in the way of our education” or kill our curiosity, creativity and passion?
Do we believe this to be true of our classroom, our school? If so, how are WE going to make our school a place that nurtures curiosity, creativity, innovation, bravery and nobility?
What is our ownness in preparing the next Galileo…Curie…Gandhi…Earhart?
There is value in knowing. There is value in accuracy. There is value in standards.
Yet, there is something mightier than all the grades, scores, awards and certificates, and titles that will ever be.
Standing shoulder to shoulder with others who help you get to the person you were meant to be – the one who changes the world.
You were created for significance. The most dangerous thing to your education and to your life is believing that you don’t matter enough to triumph, to impact, or to do epic things.
YOU ARE A GENIUS and the world needs your contribution.
There is someone in need of exactly what you have and only you can reveal.
Shouldn’t school be the place where you two meet?
Let us change the world, as it was meant to be changed.
Let’s make our students citizen ready.
Let’s do it in school.
Welcome to Genius Hour.
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