By Angela Maiers
I am so excited to announce a podcast series that I’m recording with my dear friend Vicki Davis, a world renowned educator, also known as CoolcatTeacher, who publishes one of the most-listened to education podcast, “Every Classroom Matters.”
Vicki and I have been friends forever and have presented and collaborated together many times. This podcast series has been the most fulfilling experience of all. We’ve recorded most of the sessions already and it has been a true joy to collaborate with Vicki.
The podcasts amplify my post “People Know They Matter When….” It offers the nine most important ways we show that people that we meet each day how much they matter to us and to the world. This is the essence of how to “Accelerate” the message that everyone matter.
Here is the landing page on Vicki’s site announcing the series, and providing a link to the first podcast, “Why Your Students Need to Know That You See Them.”
All episodes will be posted there, so bookmark the page for future reference!