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by: Angela Maiers

One Year Later: Classroom Habitudes Continue to Multiply

It's been a year ago yesterday. We announced the release of my book in the post, Character Counts But Habitudes Multiply.

While it was a great experience to write the book and share it with teachers, I've been awed and humbled by the responses teachers, parents, and business people have offered.

Lots in store for 2010 too. We're in the midst of redesigning the cover, we have some teachers putting together videos of in-class examples of some of the 50+ lessons in the book, creating a new poster series. And not to sound too sham-wow, but that's not all … (more to come later this month about a special Classroom Habitudes site).

With almost serendipitous timing, I'm about to turn in the manuscript for my next work, centered around … wait for it … PASSION. A book project I'm working on with Amy Sandvold, co-author of Fundamentals of Literacy Coaching, we believe passion is possibly a prerequisite and precursor to habitudes. The Passion book is being published by Eye on Education, a group that gets it (check them out on Twitter, Facebook and Eye on Education blog)

Thanks again for everyone who is helping spread and implement the habitudes in classrooms around the globe.