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By Angela Maiers

How #LiberatingGenius Is Transforming Learning and Lives

The one thing that fuels me more than anything else is seeing the impact that Choose2Matter has in classrooms around the world

Every day this year, I’ve heard how our free e-book, Liberating Genius, has had a profoundly positive impact on the lives of so many teachers and students.

We invite all educators to share with us, and with the world, the impact the lessons have had in their classroom, as well as any revisions  they’ve made to make the lessons fit the particular needs of their classroom. For example, just today, Jillian Burkhart sent this Tweet about a student who jumped four reading levels almost overnight; the student himself wrote that this happened because “my classmates encouraged me and told me ‘I Matter’.”

No one has done this better than Tammy Dunbar, lead learner of “The Room Nine Kids” a fifth grade classroom in Manteca Unified School District in California.

As an early adopter of Genius Hour, Tammy was immediately drawn to Liberating Genius and the impact she hoped it would have on her students. The impact exceeded everyone’s expectations.

In a three part blog series, Tammy outlined the implementation of Liberating Genius and how it impacted her students. We are so thankful to Tammy for sharing her story and being an incredible advocate for Liberating Genius. We created this presentation with the highlights of Tammy’s posts, including some inspiring pictures of The Room Nine Kids in action!

Please follow Choose2Matter on Twitter and Facebook to keep updated on Liberating Genius and our upcoming global book study!