The GENIUS of Genius Hour
December 20th, 2017
I have always believed that we are in the presence of genius everyday. Whether you are a teacher in a classroom of 30 passionate learners or you are sitting in a boardroom of top executives.
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Resources for #GeniusHour
June 23rd, 2017
When we create a time and space for our students to strive audaciously and connect and collaborate with others, their genius is liberated, and learning, lives and worlds change.
You Are a Genius
June 23rd, 2017
If you can imagine yourself back in that time and place when you felt most READY TO DO ANYTHING, how did it feel? The feeling of self-assuredness, confidence, and all around AWESOMENESS was you being fully present in your GENIUS.
What Does It Mean to Be a Leader? Five-year Old Geniuses Respond
June 23rd, 2017
Inspired by her lesson, and hoping to help my students reflect on what it means to be a leader, we created a circle map, after partner brain-storming on qualities that we find in leaders.
Jumping into Genius Hour — Guest Post by Tony Klein
June 23rd, 2017
Genius Hour is, simply, the opportunity for students to spend twenty percent of their time on a topic that interests, excites, and challenges them.
What Will Your Verse Be? – Guest Post by Monica Evon
June 23rd, 2017
How can we make a difference? There are myriad ways students can make their passion for change a reality. I hope our work will inspire change in your classroom, and will inspire you to share your students’ “verses” with the world.
Hutto Geniuses Choose to Matter
June 23rd, 2017
Students in Hutto, Texas of varying ages interacted, shared their stories, and collaborated to design solutions to things that break their hearts about the world.
Students Solving Heartbreak: Creating Community Around Kid-Safe Minecraft Videos
June 21st, 2017
Clean Minecraft Videos is a community with a guiding vision: Profanity Stops Here.
No Genius Left Behind
June 21st, 2017
I believe we all have a duty to share our genius and make a difference in the world; and it’s in tapping into our truth that you will ultimately unleash the genius from those we lead, love, and serve.
Want to raise test scores? Get real.
June 18th, 2017
Today I revisited this article, by Anthony Johnson, a fifth grade teacher in North Carolina. Anthony introduced project-based learning into his classroom. Learning suddenly was relevant and collaborative, and the students were in control.
Total Articles: 23