Any regular reader of this blog knows how much I value good writing. My own personal statement begins “educator, author…” As I wrote in an article for the Huffington Post, I am an author not because of any particular skill or experience that I have, but rather because I CHOOSE TO WRITE. Every single day, I write something, whether it’s a chapter of a book or a blog post or an email or a Tweet. I am only happy when I am expressing myself and sharing with the world.

To find the courage to write, I have to constantly reassure myself that I am good enough, that my writing is WOW – Worthy of the World.

This is a lesson I shared recently with fifth grade students at Kamehameha School in Keaau, HI. The students are in Karyl Ah Hee’s class, and Tweet collectively as @5BFish. Here is an excerpt of the lesson I shared: