My head and heart are still in overdrive from the multimedia, global conversation we had from the University of Northern Iowa on Monday night centering around the Habitudes in the College Classroom.
My head and heart are still in overdrive from the multimedia, global conversation we had from the University of Northern Iowa on Monday night centering around the Habitudes in the College Classroom.
I love helping them think critically and creatively — teaching them strategies and techniques to fuel their imaginations, sustain their passionate curiosities, and challenge them to persevere as they problem solve through difficult tasks and content
Every week, I have the opportunity to engage in amazing conversations with students. Each time, I walk away thinking about how truly smart kids are. I am blown away by their thoughtfulness, insight, and potential.
Champion learners are curious about everything. They ask questions and get themselves involved in all stages of learning, without worrying about the answer, but relishing in the process.
The ASCD conference does not officially start until the morning, but for me, the excitement and energy began last night.
When I talk to educators, especially those thinking that success on the web is a
There is no ONE way to define comprehension, but the past four decades have produced for us a substantial body of research on comprehension that exist inside the mind of proficient readers and learners.
As lifelong learners, our growth should never cease – least of all our growth in knowledge about ourselves. Without fully knowing ourselves, self-acceptance and change are all the more difficult.
Outward circumstances or conditions do not determine what our lives become nearly as much as the thoughts that dominate our minds and the people we surround ourselves with.
Can you envision today’s high school or college students carrying out jobs like these:
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