Many teachers ask students this question at the start of every school year. It sets the stage for awesome learning to follow. Posing it to students and asking them to share their responses can have a profound effect on the classroom and community.
Any regular reader of this blog knows how much I value good writing. My own personal statement begins “educator, author…” As I wrote in an article for the Huffington Post, I am an author not because of any particular skill or experience that
The life of a teacher requires a big investment in the well-being of others. As a teacher, my drive to and from school every day was filled with scenes from the
Schools have a standardized system and protocols in place for every aspect of student learning — except one: Schools have no system at all in place to teach students how to bring about change in the world.
As I wrote last May, Classroom Habitudes, published in 2008, is more popular now than ever, with book studies popping up every week and entire districts and even states full of teachers reading the book.
Serendipity is the name given to those “happy accidents” we experience throughout life – finding a person, idea, or resource we didn’t expect, but greatly needed. These encounters enrich our lives with new experiences, connections, and insights.
Today I had the honor of making a presentation to the employees of Strategic America, one of the leading marketing agencies in Iowa. My audience was 100 top corporate branding experts. I discussed personal branding, and how it has changed in the social me
“Teaching people to produce innovative work, off-the-chart insights, and yes, art is time-consuming and unpredictable. Drill and practice and fear, on the other hand, are powerful tools for teaching facts and figures and obedience. Sure, we need school
The Bedley Bros are connecting educators to educational innovators. My message was clear in our short, but passionate conversation: kids can be vessels of change.
Total Articles: 170