Cherish every word, every story, every joke (even the bad ones) that our loved ones share with us throughout their lives. That is the power of story, the power of teaching, the power of loving what we do.
Cherish every word, every story, every joke (even the bad ones) that our loved ones share with us throughout their lives. That is the power of story, the power of teaching, the power of loving what we do.
our efforts this day are not only about how and in what ways you will use social media, but how you as a leader, a powerful and emerging brand, will discover a new level of leadership and learning capacity.
Clean Minecraft Videos is a community with a guiding vision: Profanity Stops Here.
Digital literacy and critical analysis will not simply emerge.Fluency in any language, digital or otherwise, comes from immersion and access to those grounded and fluent in the language. It must be taught explicitly and directly.
I believe we all have a duty to share our genius and make a difference in the world; and it’s in tapping into our truth that you will ultimately unleash the genius from those we lead, love, and serve.
Today marks the fourth anniversary of my younger brother’s death — a tragic and inexplicable suicide of a young, vibrant, intelligent, charismatic and talented 35 year old. He was a gift in every sense of the word.
Today I revisited this article, by Anthony Johnson, a fifth grade teacher in North Carolina. Anthony introduced project-based learning into his classroom. Learning suddenly was relevant and collaborative, and the students were in control.
Genius Hour is our promise to students that their passions will matter; that they will do work that matters, and we will make time during the school day for it.
Students are not motivated by technology. They are transformed when they get to use the technology to connect, create, collaborate and contribute to a world outside of their classroom. Flip through this deck of my presentation on Getting Tech R.I.G.H.T.
There is a passion gap in school, and students are disappearing into it, and drowning in ennui. Let’s begin closing that gap. Right here, right now.
Total Articles: 170