Words matter. Words carry weight. That is why its so important to monitor what we say to ourselves.
Words matter. Words carry weight. That is why its so important to monitor what we say to ourselves.
The Sandbox Manifesto is both a declaration and an invitation to keep the experience of the sandbox alive and to recognize and honor the wisdom we acquired through our experiences on the inside.
When you write, you put yourself out there for others to criticize. But yet we can’t ever let this stop us from putting ourselves out there
This weekend we celebrate the wonder of motherhood. Mothers give birth to us, feed us, clothe us, raise us to be strong and kind, and then tearfully send us out in the world to make our mark.
This weekend we celebrate the wonder of motherhood. Mothers give birth to us, feed us, clothe us, raise us to be strong and kind, and then tearfully send us out in the world to make our mark.
WHY MAKE MATTERING THE AGENDA in your workplace, school, and local community? This is like asking, why to breathe air, drink water and eat food? Once the necessities of human life are met, the need to matter trumps almost everything else.
YOU MATTER! These two words can change lives and change our world, if we understand them and we leverage them in the right way.
You are a brand, this is not something many of us as adults understand, because of that it is most likely a conversation we are not having with our students but need to have! This video explains that our brand is our story and our stories matter. Not only
This video explains that our brand is our story and our stories matter. Our story is the gift to the world; tell your story of your own genius and abilities today!
have spent my whole career in the presence of genius; surrounded by teachers, leaders and students. Nothing excites me more than seeing someone fiercely own their genius after realizing the world needs their particular talent and perspective.
Total Articles: 170