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Leader. Visionary. Entrepreneur. Disruptor. Change Maker.

Angela Maiers is a world-renowned author, entrepreneur, international keynote speaker, and educator, whose transformative message of the importance of mattering has the power to unleash the genius in us all.

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Past and current clients include:

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Keynote Speaker - Angela Maiers

Angela Maiers Audio

by Angela Maiers

For Angela, "mattering" is not the strategy, it is the agenda. Listen to highlights from Angela's live events to help you make mattering your agenda.

Inspirational Video

Inspirational video featuring Angela Maiers

Inspirational Posters

Inspirational Posters and Messages by Angela Maiers

There is a reason that Angela Maiers is recognized as one of today's most influential education thought leaders: her work resonates with teachers, school leaders, students and parents alike. At this year’s Microsoft Education Empowered E 2 Conference, Maiers delivered the closing keynote, How Big is Your Brave? To say that Maiers blew the E 2 crowd away would be an understatement.

Anthony Salcito

Anthony Salcito
VP Education
Microsoft Corporation

Wow. She was just awesome to hear speak. Really authentic. She’s exactly what we need. I love that she came to our HR community to show us know we can be instrumental in making people believe that they matter to our organization. We need this. Her message is simple but very powerful.

Lilitia Bailey

Lilitia Bailey
Chief Human Resources Officer
Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center

We are living through a period of rapid change and many feel growing insecurity as a result. Angela Maiers' work through Choose2Matter is important and highly effective in ensuring children do not feel insignificant within that insecurity. Her empowerment of children gives us hope for a powerful future.

Lord Jim Knight

Lord Jim Knight
Member of the British Parliament